So in January of 2010, when a devastating 7.0 earthquake hit the island of Hispaniola, with special fury on the swarming city of Port au Prince, those who thought the situation couldn’t be worse for millions of Haitians in abject poverty were proven sadly wrong. In a country of over ten million people (over two million Haitians live outside of the country, mostly in the US and Dominican Republic), at least 300,000 homes were destroyed leaving over 1.5 million homeless. Port au Prince was shaken to the ground, the beautiful shining white presidential palace, the stately national cathedral,

and the historic national assembly, all in the center of town, reduced to Roman-like ruins. (Note: Chile’s earthquake that occurred just a few weeks after the Haiti quake was stronger (8.8), but the damage was so much greater in Haiti. I have reported on the Chile quake in several early postings on this blog, but resist making comparisons due to the stark differences in the conditions in the two countries.) In the first few months after the quake, frightened and searching for a place to stay with friends or family, at least 600,000 Haitians who inhabited the capital city left for the countryside and other cities. Hundreds of public and private relief agencies rushed into the country to fill the vacuum of an inoperative government that was incapable of responding to such a large tragedy. They set up at least ten huge tent cities inside of Port au Prince and some outside.

After a couple of months, as the people saw activity and opportunity begin to pick up in Port au Prince mainly due to the resources brought in by the relief agencies, many of the same refugees who had left Port au Prince came back into the city in search of food, medicines, water, shelter, and work that was more available in the capital than outside. And until now this trend has continued, with possibly as many as 2.5 million people in and around the city where it normally, before the quake and before the flood of “relief assistance”, had only 1.5 million inhabitants
Earlier, in 2004, the United Nations sent a peace keeping multinational force to Haiti to help control civil unrest. These forces have been playing an important role in post-earthquake Haiti, positive and negative, the latter highlighted by an outbreak of cholera apparently brought to Haiti and spread by one group of peacekeepers. But now, eight years after these forces arrived in Haiti, and two years after the quake, Haitians and many others believe the political situation now requires that these forces be withdrawn, or at least redeployed in less visible roles. On May 14, 2011, fair and open elections were held and a new President of Haiti installed. He had campaigned on a platform that included a categorical commitment to move the people still in temporary housing in the city to a new, better location. In fact, as many as 700,000 homeless have been settled on barren hillsides just outside of the city, beyond the international airport, but unfortunately this was carried out too spontaneously, before any services like roads, water, sewage removal and electricity could be arranged.

According to Benito, a very knowledgeable Haitian who accompanied me while I was in Haiti, the effects of the 2010 earthquake were so widespread there was some hope, generalized in the population, that the earthquake would provide a transformational wakeup call to Haitians. The Dominicans, who share the island with Haiti, were exceptionally good neighbors doing all they could to facilitate the delivery of relief supplies immediately after the quake and receiving a large number of Haitian refugees. At least two million Haitians move back and forth between Haiti and the Dominican Republic (a country of only Eight million), providing a source of cheap labor but also putting pressure on services in that country.
Many other countries, the entire world, really, came to Haiti’s rescue, so many that some thought they might finally move forward in recovery, together. Ex US Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush joined together to lead a multi-donor effort to rebuild Haiti. The new president of Haiti put forward a clear challenge to the Haitian people: “Let’s do things differently”, an attractive proposal for a population of very discouraged and defeated people, but a people who had some reason to believe that things could begin to improve even from this post-earthquake rock bottom situation.
So, as I waited in the Miami international airport last Monday morning for my plane to Haiti, wondering about the week I was to spend looking at some development projects in the northern part of the country, a group of about 25 to 30 Americans dressed in bright yellow Tee shirts came into the waiting area. .

This evangelical army reminded me that for years non-profit philanthropic and religious missionary groups have pretty much provided the services to the Haitian people that in most other countries are provided by the government, keeping Haiti from slipping even deeper into extreme poverty. This group of yellow shirts was headed to Haiti for about a week to build a school and a health clinic. I have a feeling at least one of these groups is on every plane that flies from Miami to Haiti. I don’t know if this group built the clinic or the school, since I never saw any of them again while I was in Haiti. But as I travelled around Cap Haitien and between that northern city and Port au Prince, I saw signs of every relief, development, and humanitarian agency that exists running up and down Haiti’s terrible secondary roads in new and not-so-new jeeps, and eating in local restaurants catering to foreigners with considerably more money than most Haitians.
I was in Haiti to visit small farmers who are receiving technical assistance and training from US farmers and technicians under a USAID-funded program named “Farmer-to-Farmer”. All of these folks are extremely poor, but they are engaged in bee keeping for honey production, rabbit raising for food, and vegetable gardening to provide more nutritious meals for their families and communities. >

It’s tempting to believe that with the obvious needs in Haiti, and all the good will being sent to Haiti by hundreds of individuals, agencies, and governments, that a well-meaning new president might begin to put Haiti on a track towards more stability and more development. In one of the last conversations I had with Benito before leaving Port au Prince, he admitted that he had been optimistic about Haiti, and that is why he was still living there with his family of four. With his education, skills and connections, he surely could find work outside of Haiti. However, he was beginning to have doubts that this time was going to be any different. The efforts of the President to get children back in school after the earthquake was laudable and his application of new taxes on business transactions are thought to be positive. But his excessive populist holiday gift giving while public employees go unpaid for weeks smacks too much of the past. He even gets the feeling some of the same people who ran Haiti in the 80s are being brought back into the government. Things may be falling apart again. If they are, it will be very hard to keep any educated Haitian in Haiti, and without the most educated Haitians, no Haitian institutions can be built and sustained, and any hope of progress will again be thwarted.
So, how do I come out on this one? The yellow, dark blue, regular blue, light blue, beige, and brown Tee shirts may have the right message for Haiti this time. How can all that love and optimism be wrong? But I can’t seem to get out of my mind the black shirt I saw while having breakfast the last day I was in Haiti. It was being worn by a young man carrying boxes of food from a truck to the restaurant storeroom. In blaring white letters, it said:
“Same Shirt, Different Day.”
Posted on February 5, 2012, in Santiago, Chile
Thank you, Dave, for sharing your thoughts and feelings onHaiti—a country I called home for almost 4 years. Your observations and insights with respectto the different colors of t-shirts are very revealing and it reminds me of asimilar time. As you know, I lived thereduring the mid-eighties. I was thereduring the last years of Baby Doc’s rule and eventually removed from power byCoronel Nanfi in February of 1987. Thatperiod was also very turbulent with a great deal of confusion, power plays andsocial unrest. Those moments were captured in a tapestry made by a Haitian artistby the name of M. Mames. I found thetapestry in front of her home in Haiti’s Artibonite Valley and immediately fellin love with it. Before purchasing it, Iasked the artist why the different colors. She replied that they reflected her feelings towards Haiti, the times wewere experiencing and summarized by one word—Conflict. I have the tapestryhanging in our home today in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It is beautiful piece of Haitian art, but itis also a reminder that conflict is a natural part of life; it does not goaway, but it must be managed. What you saw in the colored t-shirts and what Isaw and still see in my tapestry is conflict and our attempts to addressit. Unfortunately, what Haiti and theinternational community have not learned is how to manage it and move on. Thanks for bringing me back to a veryinteresting time in my own life’s journey. Vince
ReplyDeleteAs usual a very smart and with interesting nuances written article. Very yseful, Dave