We are just a few short days away from the presidential elections
in Chile, and most observers are convinced Michelle Bachelet will win large. Her
main opponent, Evelyn Matthei, is around 20 percentage points behind in most
polls. There are nine candidates from
across the political spectrum vying for the position, since it is so easy to collect
the number of signatures (50,000) required to qualify to be on the national ballot. One
observer commented recently that a couple of the candidates may actually receive
fewer votes in the election than signatures they collected to enter the race! Because of this plethora of candidates
splitting the total vote, Bachelet may not receive the “majority plus one” of
total valid votes required to win in the first round and thus avoid a runoff
election between the two top vote earners. In the case that a second round is
needed, it would be held one month after the first, in mid-December, with
Bachelet, member of the Socialist Party and supported in the campaign by the
modified “Concertación” movement she named “Nueva Mayoría” face-to-face with
Matthei, supported by the same right of center coalition, the Alianza, that supports the
present and outgoing president Sebastián Piñera.
As the campaign has progressed
over the past few weeks, the positions taken and the personality of campaigns
of the two leading candidates present a clear choice to the voters. On the one hand, Matthei has carried water for
the proponents of the position that Chile has progressed remarkably, albeit not
perfectly, towards “developed” status after 24 years of gradual escape from the
institutions (and lack thereof) left by the Pinochet dictatorship. Matthei points
out stridently that this progress must not be impeded by drastic public policy changes
that could threaten this pace of development.
Supporting this position are the results of recent polls and analyses
from respected Chilean and international institutions. More than 70% of
Chileans believe Chile is the best country in which to live in Latin America
(Encuesta Bicentenario). Freedom House classifies Chile as fully democratic
since 2000. In terms of human development indicated by life expectancy (longest
in Latin America with 78.2 years, about the same as the US), Infant mortality
at 9 per 1,000, education, literacy and quality of life, Chile is ranked 40 of
183 countries and the highest of all Latin American countries. To wit, obesity
is more of a problem than malnourishment. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 30
years and GDP per capita at its highest, just short of US$ 20,000. The IMF believes the most optimistic
scenarios for economic performance over the near future in Latin America are in
Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico (countries which, by the way, are joined in a
“Pacific alliance” formed recently to enhance their trade position with the
very attractive and growing Asian markets).
On the other hand, Bachelet has
clearly crafted her campaign to sync with the opinions of Chileans as reflected
in recent public opinion polling that, surprising to some given the situation
just described and touted by Matthei, reflects a significant desire to move
away from private sector and market solutions especially where “social rights”
are involved. 85% of those polled want to reduce salary inequality, 67% support tax reform, usually meaning increase taxes on companies and the rich, 81% believe a government-run retirement fund should be established to compete with the private programs to reduce the costs (read profits) earned by the private funds, 74% agree that university education should be free and universal, 80% are in favor of renationalizing the copper industry, 82% support the creation of a network of public pharmacies, 70% want the government to take over the public transportation system.
The underlying issue is equality.
Bachelet surely respects the economic growth Chile has experienced over the past two decades, but she wants to give more importance to distribution of wealth, not just total growth and per capita averages. (She probably keeps in the front of her mind the classic calculation: Two brothers have two chickens for dinner; one eats both, the other none. Per capita consumption of chicken: one chicken per brother!). And on top of this equity issue, or maybe because of it, there is a strong push from many different levels of Chilean society to adopt a new constitution to rid the country of the constitution forced through by the Dictatorship but subsequently amended in a new version signed by then President Ricardo Lagos in 2005.
The underlying issue is equality.
Bachelet surely respects the economic growth Chile has experienced over the past two decades, but she wants to give more importance to distribution of wealth, not just total growth and per capita averages. (She probably keeps in the front of her mind the classic calculation: Two brothers have two chickens for dinner; one eats both, the other none. Per capita consumption of chicken: one chicken per brother!). And on top of this equity issue, or maybe because of it, there is a strong push from many different levels of Chilean society to adopt a new constitution to rid the country of the constitution forced through by the Dictatorship but subsequently amended in a new version signed by then President Ricardo Lagos in 2005.
The option of forming a
constituent assembly to draft a new constitution has been a burning issue
during this campaign. It is an idea that
gets most of its support from Chileans who seem driven to erase everything created by
the Pinochet dictatorship and by those who see the process of developing a new constitution as a way to bring
broad sectors of society, who feel they have been left out and are not
represented in today’s decision-making institutions, into the discussion on the
future of their country. Bachelet firmly
supports a new constitution, and has not discarded the idea of a constituent
assembly. As with many of her statements
and the program she has made public so far, it is hard to tell how far she would actually
go to produce a complex, new constitution. At times she appears to be allergic
to a constituent assembly, probably the case because the process surely would
dominate her entire time in office and possibly not even produce a new constitution.
Matthei, on the other hand, is openly opposed to calling a constituent assembly, believing it to be a dangerous proposal, even destabilizing, and that it is also unnecessary in that the specific changes needed in the constitution should be debated and agreed upon within the existing institutions established to do just that, especially the Congress.
Matthei, on the other hand, is openly opposed to calling a constituent assembly, believing it to be a dangerous proposal, even destabilizing, and that it is also unnecessary in that the specific changes needed in the constitution should be debated and agreed upon within the existing institutions established to do just that, especially the Congress.
The campaigns so far have not
addressed how Chile will continue its march towards the next level of
development. Chile is a member of the
OECD (along with Mexico the only Latin American members), but it, along with
Mexico and Turkey, is not an industrialized country, making comparisons of socio-economic data with other OECD countries tricky. Chile still relies heavily on
income from the mining sector, especially copper. The outlook for the price of copper, now high but with a
tendency to decrease below US$ 3.00 per pound, puts Chile’s economy at risk. One viable option to decrease the dependency
on copper is to shift investment from the mining sector slowly towards forest
products, fisheries, fresh fruits and vegetables, and wine, the sectors which
have begun to show some degree of efficiency and competitiveness in the world
market. These sectors suffer from
the high cost of energy, increasing labor scarcity, and years of indifference to
environmental protection of basic natural resources of soil and water. Neither of the two leading candidates has put
forward any specifics nor even shown any indication to be concerned about the
investments in education, research, and innovation necessary to continue the
modernization of these productive sectors and the addition of new areas of
production. The best example of this is the agri-food sector, where Chile actually has advanced over the recent
decade and is potentially a globally important exporter of agriculture
products. However, when the candidates
were invited recently to an important annual symposium on Chile’s place in the global
agriculture and food economy, not one of the candidates chose to participate.
So as we move to the election with
the general feeling that Bachelet will eventually be elected president, with a
large margin if she wins in the first round, and probably an even larger margin
if they have to go to a second round, the issue now really becomes how she will
govern and what happens to the right wing coalition. It is interesting to note that were a president in the US to win by the
margin being projected for Bachelet, it would be termed a very strong mandate
for the program being put forward. To a certain degree, the simultaneous
congressional elections of senators and deputies will determine the extent
Bachelet can govern with support from her coalition to pass
legislation. She seems very close to
having that outcome, but these elections are harder to predict. Another important factor is that at this
point, that is, for the campaign, Bachelet is bookended within her coalition by
the Communist Party on the left and the Christian Democrat Party on the right. If she moves too close to the business sector
and too slowly on reforms of the tax structure and the health and education
sectors, Communists will rebel; in fact,
it still remains to be seen if they will actually join her government. At any rate, they will have several seats in
Congress. If she moves too far left,
especially on certain social issues like same sex marriage and abortion, the
Christian Democrats will push back.
But the elephant in the room, the first and possibly the biggest issue Bachelet will have to deal with that could determine how successful her presidency is, is the issue of forming a constituent assembly to prepare a new constitution. If she is forced into a constituent assembly-type process by her own party, the Socialists, she will have a very difficult time fulfilling the promises she has made to improve significantly the health and education systems, deal with the Mapuche and other indigenous populations' claims, and develop a national energy policy which addresses the rapidly increasing costs of energy in Chile.
But the elephant in the room, the first and possibly the biggest issue Bachelet will have to deal with that could determine how successful her presidency is, is the issue of forming a constituent assembly to prepare a new constitution. If she is forced into a constituent assembly-type process by her own party, the Socialists, she will have a very difficult time fulfilling the promises she has made to improve significantly the health and education systems, deal with the Mapuche and other indigenous populations' claims, and develop a national energy policy which addresses the rapidly increasing costs of energy in Chile.
The right wing Alianza will come
out of this election soundly defeated, by Bachelet and by themselves. Bachelet’s
coalition is much more disciplined than that of Matthei. That may not hold past the campaign, but the
difference between the two is noteworthy. I heard an interesting comment
recently that Piñera
had a pretty good presidency but he was a bad president. And Bachelet had a pretty mediocre presidency
(2006-2010) but she was a good president.
I’m not sure who coined this idea initially, but it does seem to come
down to the “poetry” and “prose” of running public affairs. One has to do with running the government
(prose) and the other with understanding your people, connecting with the
people who have unmet aspirations and needs, and projecting the feeling that
you share the ups and downs of daily life of those whose lives are not easy and
often precarious. (poetry) Piñera had little poetry, and
Matthei has even less. To be fair, the right wing coalition
in Chile has really only governed for 4 years since 1964, compared to 26 for
the left. The right now has a newly
formed reservoir of talent versed and experienced in the nuts and bolts of
governance, and new leaders with more finely honed political skills are now
available. My guess is that the
temptation for these folks, as they watch their TVs Sunday night, will be (if
they haven’t been doing so already) to grab the phone, line up a job in the
private sector, maybe overseas as so many talented Chileans do, and bail from
the political scene at least for a while.
Maybe. But maybe not, and if not,
the right will be better ready for another chance in the near future to get
back in the game. Bachelet’s well-orchestrated
poetry will be a big reason for her winning this election, as is expected, but she
will need to deliver the prose of governance much better than she did the last time,
or she will again, in four years, deliver the country to the opposition.
Posted in Santiago, Chile, on November 13, 2013.
Hi Dave, Our friend Rene sent this to me. He seems to be your publicist - when does he actually work?: In any case, I enjoyed your analysis. For me, the take away is : why do the Chileans want to fuck up all the progress they have already made as a nation.....siempre quejandose. You look like the same rabbi I remember from way back when. Un abrazote, Jim
ReplyDeleteWell, another reader commented the following, somewhat to your point: "My guess is that it will swing to the left, thus erasing some of the economic gains of recent past. But if gains go to only a few and not shared are they really gains? As you know, we can say the same for this country."